New Israelite Family Worship Center Leadership
The Late Overseer Almeter Diggs
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.” Psalms 19:14
During a Tent Revival
meeting, Overseer accepted the Lord as her personal Savior while praising God
in the sawdust. The song, “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” opened the door to her
heart and drew her to Christ. Thereafter,
Overseer started seeking God’s divine will for her life and started her
ministry as a “Sunday School Teacher”.
She later heeded to the call of Church Mother at Miracle Revival
Center. Everyone who crossed her path
called her “Mother Diggs” (a name that is still often used to describe her
nurturing spirit). Overseer and a group of spiritual warriors formed a “Prayer
Band” that would travel weekly into the homes of needed individuals. Those
powerful prayers would render results, expeditiously. She also served in the capacity of church
secretary and treasurer. With a tenacious spirit, Overseer Diggs studied to
show herself approved unto God, as a workman who had no cause to be ashamed of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
During the early 70’s she accepted her calling as Assistant Pastor of the Israelite Pentecostal Holiness Church under the tutelage of Bishop George Singleton and United Pentecostal Churches, Inc. During her tenure as Assistant Pastor, Overseer traveled extensively in the servitude of revivalist and prophetess equipping men and women of God to become great warriors. Within seven years, another mantle of leadership fell upon this graceful woman of wisdom and knowledge.
In 1980, Overseer Diggs was installed as Pastor of the Israelite Pentecostal Holiness Church. As the Lord began to expose more of His purpose for her ministry, he added godly men and women to assist in the vision that was ordained for the ministry. Overseer was an excellent building fund coordinator, and “nobody” could exceed her group’s financial goals. She truly built God’s kingdom through the saving of souls, fasting, praying, revivals, and spiritual disciplines. If you really knew her, you would know that she ruled with an “iron fist”, not only in the church but also in the home as she raised eight boys and one girl. Her passion for the ministry included walking to church with all her children at her side, giving her last dime, praying for members and always caring about their well-being and welfare.
In 1996, just when Overseer Diggs thought she had reached the pinnacle of her calling, God still had another divine calling for her life. Her new destiny was manifested in the establishment of The New Israelite Church of Deliverance, Inc. Through God’s direction, Pastor Diggs humbly submitted, and the church experienced rapid spiritual growth.
In 2000, Overseer was consecrated to the office of Ecclesiastical Head and Founder of The New Israelite Church of Deliverance, Inc. Only the gentle, graceful, compassionate and “magnetic” personality of this great woman of God, could make useless traditions crumble, make hard-heartedness concede, and make bitterness be reconciled. The Devil was defeated, destiny was fulfilled, and the victory was won.
“Mother Diggs”, as she was affectionately called, knew how to put a smile on your face and place an encouraging word in your hearing. She was never oppositional but humble and possessed “quiet” strength. Overseer had a heart for people in general. She housed families, visited the sick, traveled the roads, gave of her substance, but “never” said a word about her good deeds. She was well known for her southern meals and homemade cakes. At Church she was a fiery preacher and one of her favorite sayings was, “I’m not a kinfolk preacher” - the word is for us all”.
As strict as she was, Overseer always loved having fun and socializing with family and members. Overseer always drew her strength from her favorite scripture, Psalm 19:14 (as quoted above). Her favorite songs were “In the morning when I rise” and “Lord you brought me from a mighty long way.”
The Late Overseer Almeter Diggs left us with this quote – “I had the best job in the world (serving the all mighty God); I worked for the best boss in the world (Jesus Christ) and for the best pay (eternal life) and now I’m ready to receive my crown of righteousness. “
Bishop Jerry Diggs, D.D.
Senior Pastor, New Israelite Family Worship Center
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”
Numbers 23:19
Bishop Jerry Diggs is truly a man of God who has been rooted and grounded in the grains of godly principles. His humble ministerial beginnings started in 1973 at Israelite Pentecostal Holiness Church under the leadership of Pastor Samuel Williams, Bishop George Singleton, and his mother the late Overseer Almeter Diggs. Thereafter, he transferred his membership to the Refuge Community Church under the leadership of Bishop M. Lane. Bishop Diggs served as a Jr. Deacon and adjutant to Bishop Morris R. Lane, for several years. Through his faithfulness and servitude to the ministry, his destiny and purpose experienced another event that would not only change his life, but also those who sought out his leadership. Bishop Diggs returned to his home church and was ordained as an Elder in the Organization (United Pentecostal Church of America) under the leadership of the Late Bishop Greene.
As the spiritual winds changed the ministry direction and ushered in another vision for the church, Pastor Almeter Diggs became Overseer and founder of the New Israelite Church of Deliverance, Inc., where Bishop Diggs has continuously served in several administrative and financial capacities. He obtained his Doctorate of Divinity Degree from Shiloh Theological Seminary in 1996. Thereafter, a new mandate was revealed for this seasoned Elder through the Spirit of God. In October 2003 the late Bishop Leroy McRae consecrated Dr. Diggs to the office of a Bishop. In 2009, the mandate to the office of Ecclesiastical Head of the New Israelite Church of Deliverance, Inc. was passed down to Bishop Jerry Diggs, prior to the Late Overseer Almeter Diggs’ transition to be with the Lord. October 22, 2011 that Vision came into fruition and Bishop Diggs became the Second Pastor of New Israelite Church of Deliverance, Inc. On October 19, 2014, Archbishop Naomi C. Durant, B.Th., D.D. (New Refuge Deliverance Cathedral, Inc.), consecrated Bishop Diggs to the Episcopacy, with the laying on of hands and vestment of his Bishopric garments.
Bishop Diggs preaches the Word of God, administers the Sacraments, and keeps the Order. He leads by example and believes wholeheartedly in preaching and teaching the Word of God, to the point of understanding, followed by a life, driven by Biblical principles and practical application. By God’s spiritual guidance, he has taught several mind transforming classes, to include such books as "Lord Change my Attitude", “I Really Want to Change So Help Me God” (Pastor McDonald) “Battlefield of the Mind”, “Change Your Words, Change Your Life” (Joyce Meyer), “Taming your Tongue in 30 Days” and currently “Facing Your Giants” ( Max Lucado).
In addition, he has coordinated more than eight Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University classes over the past 3 years, teaching individuals how to become better stewards of their finances and become debt free. Bishop Diggs firmly believe not only in his spiritual growth, but also in the growth of the members. He believes that “if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, if you teach him to fish, he will eat for a lifetime”.
Last but not least, Bishop Diggs also served in the United States Navy for six years. Thereafter, for more than 38 years, this great man of leadership and organizational attributes was employed at the VA (Veterans Administration) Maryland Health Care System.
Bishop Diggs is a task-oriented man and believes he was called to the completion of God's vision for this ministry. He is focused and cannot be easily intimidated. The Vision for this Ministry is clear as passed on by the Late Overseer Almeter Diggs and reinforced by God in Numbers 23:19, as quoted above, and Galatians 5:7.
“Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” Galatians 5:7
“We must never be content with who we are, only with what we have.”
Pastor Joyce Diggs, D.D.
Pastor, God's Sacred Place of Worship
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," Ephesians 3:20
Pastor Joyce Queen Esther Diggs was appointed to serve as Senior Pastor of God’s Sacred Place of Worship on January 18, 2008. Prior to her pastorate, she served in several ministerial/administrative capacities at the New Israelite Family Worship Center under the tutelage of the Late Overseer Almeter Diggs and Bishop Jerry Diggs.
Pastor Diggs distinguishes herself as a pastor, a conference facilitator, a playwright, and a case-handling paralegal. She earned an Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies with honors, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies with honors, and took Pastoral Care & Counseling classes. She also was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity, among numerous other honors and awards.
In addition, her special talent is a playwright. Dr. Diggs uses everyday situations through the arts to transform and liberate lives. She serves as the president, writer, and producer of the Joy Players Theatrical Productions. She has successfully written and produced more than 23 stage plays.
Simultaneously serving as a pastor, she also advocates for the indigent. Pastor Diggs currently works at the Maryland Legal Aid Bureau, a private, non-profit law firm that advocates for social justice. She approaches every assignment with a tenacious and compassionate spirit. Her pastorate and social justice passion are her Mt. Everest.